2025-2026 Catalog 
    Mar 26, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog

H. Student Records

Access to Individual Students

Any currently-enrolled or former student, as well as anyone the student wishes to accompany him or her, may review his or her own student record in a private meeting with the registrar or the dean of continuing education and workforce development. However, students do not have access to confidential materials such as the recommendations of high school principals or counselors. Also, unless authorized by their parents, students do not have access to confidential financial statements made by their parents to support financial aid requests.

Questions regarding the accuracy or appropriateness of materials in a student’s records should be referred to the registrar or the dean of continuing education and workforce development. A student who believes information in his or her record is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of his or her right to privacy may make a written request that his or her record be amended. If the student’s request to amend his or her record is not justified, in the judgment of the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development, the registrar or dean informs the student of this in writing, and advises the student that he or she can appeal to the vice president for student affairs (for credit students) or the vice president for academic affairs (for continuing education students). The decision of the vice president is provided to the student in writing, along with a statement indicating that the student can request a hearing by the president of the college. If the president decides the record is not to be amended, the student is informed of his or her right to place a statement in the file indicating that the student’s record has been contested. This statement remains in the student’s file and is disclosed to anyone to whom the contested file is disclosed. The student is also informed of his or her right to file a complaint under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act by writing to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington, DC, 20202-8520.

Access to College Employees

A college employee who has a legitimate need may have access to student records by making such a request to the registrar or the dean of continuing education and workforce development. 

Access to Outside Requesters

Authorized state and federal government representatives have access to student records when they are related to the audit and evaluation of federally- or state-supported educational programs. Such a representative must describe the reason for the request in writing to the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development. The request must also include a statement that guarantees that the student’s record, if personally-identifiable records are included, will not be shared with a third party.

A student’s transcript is sent to a transfer institution only at the student’s written request. Personal reference questionnaires from transfer institutions to which students have applied are answered by the college with certain restrictions. Questions about the student’s character or morals are answered only if information in the file can supply these answers and with the understanding that these answers are subject to review by the student at the receiving institution. Disciplinary action also may be revealed, if the college has taken final action in the case, if such action is recorded in the file and if such action was designated as a primary offense.

After providing proper identification and written authorization from the student to release information in his or her record, an employer, prospective employer or his or her representative may be authorized by the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development to review the student’s record. A statement that access was authorized, to whom, when and why is placed in the student’s file at that time. If the student has authorized access to information other than that found on the transcript, such information may be reviewed with the employer in a private meeting with the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development. When a questionnaire is received from an employer or a prospective employer, the college may complete the questionnaire or send a form letter to reveal certain information such as dates of attendance and degree earned. Information on a student’s transcript may be revealed only if the student personally requested a transcript or provided written authorization for his or her academic record to be shared with the requester. A copy of the document granting such authorization is placed in the student’s file. A college employee may send a personal recommendation about a student to an employer or prospective employer if the recommendation is based on personal knowledge of the student.

If a legal jurisdiction subpoenas the release of a student’s record, the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development notifies the student. After confirming that the student has been notified, the registrar or dean assures the safe transport of student records to the legal jurisdiction which has issued the subpoena.

Parents of a dependent student under 18 years old who request access to the student’s record without the student’s consent must substantiate the fact that the student is a dependent. The request and substantiation must be presented to the registrar or dean of continuing education and workforce development. A statement that access was authorized, to whom, when and why is placed in the student’s file and a copy is sent to the student.