Academic Freedom Policy
Wor-Wic strives to create an educational environment that encourages academic freedom as an essential component of scholarship. Faculty are free to present information and ideas related to their course content, and college students should expect to test and explore their personal views, beliefs and philosophies in new contexts during the educational process. Faculty are, however, expected to present as many sides of a controversial issue as practical within their classroom teaching, assigned readings or instructional handouts.
Grading System
In the fall and spring terms, students who are not progressing satisfactorily receive a mid-term notice of a “U” (unsatisfactory) grade. At the end of each term, all students are issued final grades and these grades become part of the student’s transcript. Each letter grade is equivalent to a specific number of points, as follows:
Grade |
Definition |
Points |
A |
Excellent – An “A” denotes intellectual initiative as well as high academic achievement. |
4 |
B |
Good – A “B” denotes above average completion of course requirements. |
3 |
C |
Average – A “C” denotes a satisfactory understanding of course principles and techniques. |
2 |
D |
Poor – A “D” denotes marginal understanding of course principles and techniques. |
1 |
F |
Unacceptable – An “F” denotes that course requirements and standards were not met. |
0 |
P |
Pass – A “P” denotes a passing grade of “C” or better in a pass/fail course. |
0 |
I |
Incomplete – An “I” denotes that the student was unable to complete a minimal amount of work or take the final examination due to causes over which the student had no control. The student does not re-register for the course the following term, but continues to complete the coursework as designated by the instructor of the uncompleted course. The “I” automatically becomes an “F” if the work is not made up prior to the mid-term point of the following fall or spring term. In the event of extenuating circumstances that prohibit the completion of more than minimal course requirements for clinicals, internships, field experience or practicums, an extension can be approved by the faculty member, department head and dean. |
0 |
R |
Re-register – For developmental education courses, an “R” denotes that the student has a final average of 70-74% in math or 65-69% in English. For self-paced courses, an “R” denotes that the student has completed at least half, but was unable to complete all, of the course requirements by the end of the term. The student is required to re-register for the same self-paced or developmental education course during the following fall or spring term. If the student does not re-register for the course in the following fall or spring term, the “R” grade automatically becomes an “F.” |
0 |
W |
Withdrawal – A “W” denotes that the student has officially withdrawn from the course. |
0 |
U |
Unsatisfactory – A “U” denotes that course requirements and standards are not being met. |
0 |
AU |
Audit – An “AU” denotes that minimum standards of attendance were met. A student who audits a class cannot later take a proficiency examination to test out of that class. |
0 |
Credit Hours
A credit hour is the unit by which academic work is measured. The minimum requirements are 750 minutes of contact per credit hour for lecture, 1,500 minutes for a laboratory and 2,250 minutes for a practicum or field experience. A minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work is expected for each credit hour per week.
Self-Paced Courses
Self-paced courses allow students to work at their own pace, either in a classroom or laboratory, or, in the case of related field experience and practicum courses, at a work site.
Proficiency Examinations
A student can receive credit for selected courses offered by the college by achieving a passing grade on an institutional proficiency examination. Only students who have been formally admitted to the college are eligible to take proficiency examinations. Students cannot take a proficiency examination for a course in which they are currently enrolled or have previously been enrolled. Each academic department determines which courses can be challenged and when the examinations will be administered. Students should obtain specific information on examination dates, registration procedures and any prerequisites or fees from the department head.
Auditing a Course
A student interested in auditing a course must meet prerequisites and register during a regular registration session, indicating that the course is being audited. Registration to audit a course must be completed in the advising center. A full- or part-time student who audits a course must pay regular tuition rates. The student is entitled to participate in all course activities, but is not required to take examinations or produce papers or projects. The student does not receive college credit for the course. In order for an audited course to be recorded on the student’s transcript as an “AU” grade, minimum standards of attendance must be met, with such standards set by the instructor at the beginning of the course. After obtaining the consent of the instructor, a student who has registered to audit a course can request that it be changed to the status of a credit course, or vice versa, if such a change is requested prior to the last day for dropping classes and if all course requirements have been met.
Course Substitutions
A student can request a course substitution or waiver by submitting a written request to his or her academic advisor. The advisor completes a “Request for Course Substitution/Waiver” form, attaches supporting documentation and submits it to the department head of the student’s program of study. The department head provides his or her recommendation to the dean. After it is recommended by the dean and approved by the vice president for academic affairs, the request is submitted to the registrar for implementation.
Distance Learning
Distance learning is an alternative method of taking credit courses whereby the majority of the instruction occurs when the student and the instructor are not in the same place at the same time. Information is distributed through learning technologies to students who have time constraints, work schedule conflicts or are otherwise unable to attend classes at a specific college location. Students can access their classes in Blackboard, Wor-Wic’s learning management system. Distance learning includes the following options:
Hybrid Courses
A hybrid course is a blend of face-to-face and web-based instruction. Required classroom time is split between on-campus class time and web-based activities, which include interactive forums, assessments, research and/or video. In order to participate, students must have access to a computer with an internet connection.
Online Courses
Blackboard is used to facilitate learning in each online course. Active participation, although not simultaneous, includes interactive forums, assessments, research and/or video. In order to participate, students must have access to a computer with an internet connection. Testing activities (quizzes and exams) for online courses can be completed in the on-campus testing center or in an off-campus proctored environment, which can include the use of proctoring software and a web camera.
Virtual Courses
Students and instructors meet on specific dates and times, but in different locations, where they are logged into a virtual learning environment using tools such as video conferencing.
Academic Performance
Students are expected to maintain a high level of academic performance. Assistance is provided in an attempt to help students maintain good academic standing. A student who does not maintain good academic standing can be dismissed from the institution. A student who is concerned about his or her academic standing should consult with his or her academic advisor.
Grade Point Average
A student’s grade point average (GPA) is recorded on his or her transcript. Courses for which a grade of “A,” “B,” “C” or “D” is received are included as both credit hours attempted and points earned. An “F” grade is included as credit hours attempted, but no points are earned. Grades in developmental education courses are not included in the GPA calculation. Transfer credits are counted toward credits needed for a degree, but they are not used in the computation of grade point average (except for determining program eligibility in the emergency medical services, nursing, occupational therapy assistant, physical therapist assistant and radiologic technology programs). The GPA is calculated in the following manner:
Total Points Earned
= Grade Point Average |
Total Credit Hours Attempted |
Repeating a Course
When a student repeats a course, all grades received from Wor-Wic for that course appear on the student’s transcript. Only the last grade is used for computing grade point average.
Academic Standing
Academic standing is determined by the student’s grade point average and the percentage of courses passed. To be in good academic standing, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 and pass 67% of attempted credits. Academic standing is measured at the end of the fall and spring terms and combined summer terms, once students have attempted 10 credits or more.
Academic Probation
When a student fails to meet the standards for good academic standing, he or she is placed on academic probation. A student can continue to re-enroll while on probation as long as his or her probation term GPA is 2.0 or higher and he or she passes at least 67% of the credits attempted during the term. A student on probation is limited to 10 credits per term, is required to consult with his or her academic advisor in order to maximize his or her chances of successfully regaining good academic standing and must complete study skills workshops conducted by the director of student success. To be removed from probation, a student must meet or exceed the minimum requirements for continuous enrollment with his or her overall GPA and percentage of credits passed.
Academic Suspension
A student is placed on academic suspension when his or her probation term GPA or percentage of credits passed falls below the minimum standards for good academic standing. A student suspended after a spring or summer term cannot register for courses until the following spring term. A student suspended after a fall term cannot register for courses until the next summer term. A student readmitted after a suspension is considered to be on probation and must follow the regulations of that academic status.
After a second academic suspension, a student interested in readmission must appeal to the dean of enrollment management and student services and explain, in writing, how he or she plans to address his or her academic weaknesses. The appeal must be received no later than 15 days before the term begins. The student is also required to attend a conference with the dean of enrollment management and student services, the student’s assigned academic advisor and other appropriate college employees to determine the advisability of the student continuing his or her studies at the college.
Academic Forgiveness
Academic forgiveness provides students with poor academic performance in the past, who have been absent from the college for at least eight consecutive fall or spring terms, with an opportunity to return if they demonstrate a commitment to improving their performance in the future.
Returning students interested in academic forgiveness must meet with the director of advising to determine their eligibility. Students who are granted academic forgiveness can have any D and/or F grades earned in courses at the 100-level or above removed from the calculation of their grade point average (GPA) and their current academic standing, up to a maximum of 16 credit hours. Students must complete their first term back with a GPA of at least 2.0 before academic forgiveness is granted.
Courses and grades that have been forgiven remain on the student’s transcript, but are identified as forgiven. Courses that are forgiven cannot be applied toward a degree or certificate. Academic forgiveness can only be granted once per student, and must be granted prior to earning a degree or certificate. Forgiven grades are still considered for awards and honors at graduation so students who have been granted forgiveness might not be eligible, depending on what grades, forgiven or not, appear on the transcript. Once forgiveness has been granted, forgiven grades cannot be reversed.
In accordance with U.S. Department of Education regulations, all attempted classes and grades are included in the GPA calculation for satisfactory academic progress, which is used to confirm the student’s eligibility for financial aid and veterans benefits.
Not all professional programs or regionally-accredited institutions honor academic forgiveness so students should consult with the institution to which they intend to transfer.
Academic Grievances
A student who believes that he or she has been treated unfairly by a faculty member regarding an academic matter must make an appointment with the faculty member to discuss the situation within 14 days after the alleged incident. Academic matters include interactions between a faculty member and a student that affect student performance and/or evaluation in a particular course.
Credit students who do not believe that the problem is solved must then meet with the department head. If the faculty member is also the department head, the student must meet with the dean. Continuing education students who do not believe that the problem is resolved must meet with the continuing education director responsible for initiating the course. At any time, if students need guidance and direction on who to meet with, they can contact the dean of enrollment management and student services.
If the student still believes the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved, he or she can submit a completed academic grievance form. The form can be obtained either online through the student portal or from a faculty member, director, department head or dean. The student is encouraged to consult with the dean of enrollment management and student services who provides guidance on the academic grievance process.
Credit students submit the academic grievance form to the academic division dean. Continuing education students submit the form to the dean of continuing education and workforce development. The respective dean reviews the completed grievance form and suggests clarification where needed. The dean then provides a copy to the student and delivers the form to the chair of the academic standards committee of the faculty council.
A student grievance to the academic standards committee includes the grievance form, with the student’s name and address, the faculty member’s action that is the basis for the student’s grievance, what the student believes is unfair about the faculty member’s action, the steps pursued, the results of each step, an explanation of what the student wants the academic standards committee to do for the student and copies of all relevant documents.
The academic standards committee has five days after submission of the grievance to review it and then schedule a hearing within 14 working days. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the academic standards committee makes a recommendation. The vice president for academic affairs reviews the recommendation and the grievance process, and decides the final outcome. The decision of the vice president, upon notification of the parties involved, is final. Extension requests of up to 10 days can be granted by mutual consent of the academic standards committee, the student and the faculty member. The hearing guidelines for the academic standards committee are provided in Appendix J .
Dean’s List
Students who complete a fall or spring term with six credit hours or more with a grade point average of 3.5 or better without having received a grade of “F,” “R” or “W” are cited as superior students by the vice president for academic affairs. At the end of each fall and spring term, an official list with the names of these students (except those who have an approved “I” grade extension) is submitted to area newspapers for their publication consideration. A student whose name appears on the list also receives formal recognition on his or her transcript.
General Education
Philosophy and Objectives
Wor-Wic strives to combine the advantages of a general education core with opportunities to pursue a variety of occupational and technical programs. The curricula for the associate degree are designed to broaden and deepen the student’s education by helping the student meet the following objectives:
- Writing – Express ideas effectively through written text.
a. Select appropriate topics.
b. Identify a clear purpose and audience.
c. Use sound reasoning to support a central claim.
d. Use specific evidence.
e. Integrate and correctly document reliable sources.
a. Organize content logically.
b. Maintain focus.
c. Demonstrate coherence.
d. Adhere to the structural conventions of an individual discipline.
Style and Expression:
a. Demonstrate clarity and precision in language choices.
b. Adhere to specific academic conventions, including tone, point of view and diction.
c. Control a variety of sentence structures.
Grammar/Punctuation/Mechanics (GPM):
a. Demonstrate writing that is substantially free of errors in grammar, punctuation and mechanics.
b. Eliminate all GPM errors that do not impede comprehension or distract the reader.
- Speaking – Demonstrate a command of oral communication that is accurate, ethical and audience-centered.
Accurate and Ethical
a. Organize the oral communication in a manner that is logical and fluid within the context of the discipline.
b. Support a main idea with information that is credible, reliable, relevant, specific and sufficient.
c. Fully integrate, explicitly acknowledge and orally document outside sources.
a. Employ a tone and language that are appropriate for the assignment and setting.
b. Select a topic that reflects careful consideration of audience and assignment guidelines.
c. Deliver a speech in a manner that engages the audience (e.g., use of voice, eye contact, gestures, posture and energy are effective).
d. Provide presentation aids (if used) that are vivid and relevant and that enhance and/or clarify rather than substitute for core content.
- Reading – Analyze and/or evaluate texts within and across disciplines.
a. Identify key textual features (e.g., headings, captions and illustrations).
b. Identify explicit and derive implicit meanings.
c. Examine textual and contextual relationships.
d. Summarize, generalize and/or predict from the text.
- Critical Thinking – Apply critical analysis and reasoning skills to evaluate evidence and draw conclusions.
a. Interpret information to investigate arguments, claims and beliefs and a point of view.
b. Use evidence to support a position (perspective/thesis/hypothesis).
c. Identify and analyze alternative outcomes to a problem or case.
d. Determine a solution(s) to a problem.
- Information Literacy – Access, evaluate and appropriately use information and technology to accomplish tasks and communicate ideas.
a. Acquire: Use multiple forms of media to identify, gather and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
b. Assess: Critically determine the credibility, accuracy and utility of source information.
c. Use: Effectively employ technological tools and vocabulary to manage projects and/or solve problems.
d. Cite: Responsibly use information according to legal and ethical standards.
e. Create: Incorporate information and technology into the design and development of quality products that successfully communicate ideas.
- Quantitative Reasoning – Use and apply quantitative concepts and methods to calculate and interpret numerical problems.
a. Interpret: Explain information presented in numerical forms.
b. Represent: Convert relevant information into various numerical forms.
c. Calculate: Solve numerical problems.
d. Apply/Analyze: Make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on numerical information.
- Scientific Reasoning – Apply the process of scientific inquiry and analysis.
a. Predict: Apply current scientific theories and models as unifying principles to comprehend natural phenomena and make predictions.
b. Interpret: Infer meaning from statistical data and graphical data presentations.
c. Distinguish: Recognize the current and historical interdependence of applied research, basic research and technology.
d. Formulate: Develop hypotheses, identify relevant variables and design experiments to test hypotheses.
e. Evaluate: Assess the credibility, use and misuse of scientific and mathematical information related to scientific and public policy issues.
- Diversity – Identify the influences of a variety of cultural contexts on social interactions and demonstrate civic engagement with the college and local community.
a. Explore: Describe how cultural diversity impacts human relations and its influence on historical events.
b. Engage: Increase inter- and intrapersonal skills through participation in:
i. A variety of academic, social and cultural events at the college and in the community; and
ii.Community-based activities.
c. Awareness: Compare and contrast differences in another person’s beliefs, habits and behavior related to self.
- Ethics – Recognize ethical issues in a variety of settings and consider the consequences of alternative actions.
a. Assess personal core beliefs and their influence on personal decision-making.
b. Evaluate different ethical perspectives and their potential implications.
c. Apply ethical theories to the resolution of ethical dilemmas or social and professional issues.
General Education Requirements
A specific distribution of at least 28 general education credit hours is required for an associate of arts, associate of science or associate of arts in teaching degree and at least 18 general education credit hours are required for an associate of applied science degree. Some degree programs have specific general education course requirements, but where none exist, students can select elective courses from the following categories in order to reach their 18 or 28 credit hour minimum. A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution in the U.S. is exempt from all general education courses within the major that are not major course requirements or prerequisites for other courses within the major.
English and Composition
All associate degree students must complete the following English composition course: Arts and Humanities
Associate of arts, associate of science and associate of arts in teaching students must complete ENG 151 and one other course in any of the other arts and humanities disciplines (art, communication, modern languages, music and philosophy). Associate of applied science students must complete ENG 151. Social/Behavioral Science
Associate of arts, associate of science and associate of arts in teaching students must complete one course in each of two social/behavioral science disciplines (economics, history, human geography, political science, psychology and sociology). Associate of applied science students must complete one course in any one of the five social/behavioral science disciplines. Biological/Physical Science
Associate of arts and associate of arts in teaching students must complete one laboratory course in each of two biological/physical science disciplines (biology, chemistry, environmental science, geography and physics). Associate of science students must complete two biological/physical science courses, with at least one being a laboratory course. Associate of applied science students must complete one course in any one of the five biological/physical science disciplines. Mathematics
All associate degree students must complete one of the following mathematics courses.
Honors Program
The honors program provides qualified students with an opportunity to challenge their academic potential through enriched learning experiences. The program features small, seminar-style classes involving extensive interaction between faculty and students, with an emphasis on collaboration and inquiry. Honors courses encourage critical and creative thinking through the writing of short and long essays and the reading of original works of significant writers and thinkers from classical through contemporary times. The honors program prepares students to transfer and excel academically at a four-year college. A selection of honors courses representing various academic departments are offered each year.
Entrance Criteria
In order to accommodate students with diverse backgrounds and needs, the honors program offers a range of entrance criteria. Students can enter the honors program or take an honors course if they:
- Possess a combined reading and mathematics SAT score of at least 1,100;
- Possess a composite ACT score of at least 24;
- Hold a high school diploma with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher (unweighted for certificate of merit courses);
- Maintain a grade point average of at least 3.5 over nine credit hours at Wor-Wic or from a transfer institution;
- Possess acceptable placement test scores at Wor-Wic; or
- Are recommended by a faculty member.
Honors Designation
In order to receive designation as an honors program graduate at commencement exercises, a student must:
- Complete 12 credits of honors designated courses and their corequisite honors recitation sections from at least two disciplines with grades of “B” or better, including one 200-level course:
- arts/humanities (specifically ART 101H/HR, COM 101H/HR, ENG 151H/HR or ENG 200H);
- math/science (specifically GEO 101H/HR, IDS 200H or MTH 152H/HR); and/or
- social/behavioral science (specifically HIS 151H/HR or SOC 101H/HR).
- Receive an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 in all honors courses; and
- Maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.25 while enrolled at Wor-Wic.
STEM Honors Program
The STEM honors program provides qualified STEM students pursuing a STEM transfer degree with an opportunity to challenge their academic potential through enriched learning experiences and a capstone undergraduate research experience. Students are engaged with faculty in collaborative inquiry outside of their regular STEM classes. Students are challenged to become inquisitive, critical thinkers by exploring STEM topics that lead to the completion of an independent research experience in conjunction with a STEM faculty member. The STEM honors program prepares students to transfer and excel academically in a STEM degree at a four-year college or university and is an excellent way to prepare for graduate or professional school.
Entrance Criteria
In order to accommodate students with diverse backgrounds and needs, the STEM honors program offers a range of entrance criteria. Students can enter the STEM honors program if they:
- Possess a combined reading and mathematics SAT score of at least 1,100;
- Possess a composite ACT score of at least 24;
- Hold a high school diploma with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher (unweighted for certificate of merit courses);
- Maintain a grade point average of at least 3.5 over nine credit hours at Wor-Wic or from a transfer institution;
- Possess acceptable placement test scores at Wor-Wic; or
- Are recommended by a faculty member.
Students who meet one or more of these requirements should discuss their eligibility with the instructor(s) in their course(s).
STEM Honors Designation
In order to receive designation as a STEM honors program graduate, a student must complete:
- Three of the following courses (with at least one at the 200-level) with grades of “B” or better: BIO 105 , BIO 106 , BIO 202 , BIO 203 , BIO 220 , BIO 221 , CHM 105 , CHM 106 , CHM 201 , CHM 202 , EGR 101 , EGR 202 , MTH 121 , MTH 122 , MTH 201 , MTH 202 , MTH 203 , MTH 205 , PHY 121 , PHY 122 , PHY 141 , PHY 142 or PHY 243 in conjunction with the successful completion of additional independent study that is outlined in a contract signed by the student, faculty member and honors program director within the first three weeks of the term; and
- Original research directly related to one or more of these STEM courses under the guidance of a faculty member with the approval of the STEM honors program director, and a presentation of the research at an approved conference and/or have it published in an undergraduate journal.
Graduation Requirements
Students are required to meet with their academic advisor when they have accumulated 45 credit hours to ensure they are prepared for graduation.
In order to be awarded a degree or certificate, students must apply for graduation through the myWor-Wic portal. Students should apply at least one term prior to their expected completion date. If all graduation requirements are not met by the student’s expected completion date, the next scheduled completion date is assigned.
Proficiency examination and transfer credit hours cannot equal more than 75% of the hours needed for an associate degree or certificate.
Students who have been continuously enrolled without having two consecutive terms (not including summer) of non-enrollment can graduate according to the course and graduation requirements of the catalog in the year in which they first enrolled or the catalog of any subsequent year.
Associate Degree
An associate degree is awarded to students who complete their specific program requirements as well as the following college criteria:
- At least 60 credit hours with a “C” (2.0) grade point average or better;
- A minimum of 15 credits completed at Wor-Wic;
- At least 18 credits in general education courses for an associate of applied science degree and 28 credits for an associate of arts, associate of science degree or associate of arts in teaching;
- At least 24 credits directly related to the occupation in vocational and technical programs; and
- A general education competency assessment (unless exempt).
A certificate is awarded to students who complete their specific program requirements as well as the following college criteria:
- A “C” (2.0) grade point average or better; and
- A minimum of 25% of the required courses completed at Wor-Wic.
General Education Assessment (GEA)
Associate degree students must complete a general education assessment before being awarded a degree. The assessment measures the general education competencies exhibited by potential graduates. The assessment is administered only on specific dates during the year. These dates are available on the college website. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange his or her schedule to take advantage of the assessment dates. A student who has an associate or bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution in the U.S. is exempt from taking the assessment. Reverse transfer graduates are also exempt. Students who have questions about the general education assessment should contact their advisors.
Awards and Honors
Associate degree graduates with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.80 graduate “with high honors,” while those with at least a 3.5 grade point average graduate “with honors.” Certificate graduates with a grade point average of at least 3.5 graduate “with distinction.” To be eligible for these honors, a student must not have any “F” grades in a course at the 100 level or above, no more than one “R” grade and no more than one “D” grade.
Diplomas are ordered for students whose graduation has been confirmed by the registrar, at the end of each term. Diplomas are mailed to graduates after they are received, approximately eight weeks after the graduation date.
Graduates can request a replacement diploma for a fee of $25 by completing a “Request for Replacement Diploma” form and submitting it to the registrar. Replacement diplomas are mailed about four to six weeks after orders are received.
Participation in Commencement
Wor-Wic conducts one commencement ceremony each year. Students are eligible to participate if they have completed the requirements for their degree or certificate at the end of the fall term or if they are completing the requirements for their degree or certificate at the end of the spring term. Students completing in the summer can also participate if they have nine credits or less remaining, they have registered for their remaining coursework and they have met all other graduation requirements by the second Friday in April. Students graduating with an associate degree must also complete the general education competency assessment.
A student who wants to transfer to a four-year institution should consult with his or her advisor and the institution to which he or she intends to transfer to ensure that the courses taken at Wor-Wic will fulfill the requirements of the transfer institution. Students and advisors can determine if a course is transferable by visiting the website of the Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities (ARTSYS) at Maryland Higher Education Commission has policies governing the transfer of students among the two- and four-year public institutions in Maryland. These policies are provided in Appendix K .
Students can purchase copies of their electronic or paper transcripts on the college website. Transcript requests are processed in the order in which they are received. Students ordering paper transcripts should allow ample time for processing and delivery. Current students can print free copies of their unofficial transcripts from the myWor-Wic portal.